A little too enamoured with inflated self purpose

Thursday, February 02, 2006


Its the middle of the week already! time seems to fly wether i do bugger all allday or work my guts out, this basicly being what has happend for the last two days.
I now know why monday was so unproductive it was the large breath in before the big exhale of putting in a full 8 hours of work on tuesday. Thus marking the first full day of work i have done since leaving New Zealand 7 months ago, am slightly more happy with my work situation now especially as i have had an autosampler fitted to my HPLC for my dissertation, meaning my workload has effectivly been halved. Also i'm in a good position for all my essays (mainly because they are all simple to write). I celebrated by having a night in watching an animated masterpeace "Howls moving castle" (Sooooo good) and i also decided today would be a rest day (also my Rugby match was canceled ). Unfortunatly meaning i have been hooked on a TV series called Rome (Ancient history rocks).
The Beer detox is prematurely over although for good reasons, tuesday night was spent with Harv and Sion playing pool and its an unwritten law (just like murder) that beer must be drunk whilst playing pool. I always seem to play better after a beer anyway. Although to counteract this i went on a healthy shopping trip today( £7 of unhealthy food , £3 of fruit and veg).

Since people are screaming (due to being drunk ) outside it seems like a good time to point out my continuing rant about my campus flat being placed on the main exit path from the union. especially when some drunk people decide to play knock and run (although when i do this to other campus rooms wheni'm drunk its always in good humour and everyone finds it funny).
I have been recently dredging my music collection for gems i havn't listened to in a while and rediscovered the classic "Scratch" by Allister (pop punk will never die).


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