A little too enamoured with inflated self purpose

Monday, January 30, 2006

Andy does London (much better than Debbie does Dallas)

Ok once again i've been unable to post everyday, however i have been very much worse for wear alcoholwise everytime i've been in proximity to my laptop, this is probably a good thing as drunken Andy makes very little sense.

Ok a review of this weekend makes a definate good entry for the blog.
Very handily my weekend begins friday at 11am, thus to aid total optimization of my time i formed the following mental plan.

11am -12.30pm - finish writeing blog for thursday and get room and desk tidyed to do work.
12.30pm - go buy milk bread and many asorted veg so as to make a healthy lunch. Also post some dvds
1pm - 5pm -finish 3 Forensic Toxicology essays
5pm - have healthy dinner (maybe steak salad)
6pm on - read some scientific literature followed by maybe watching a film.
Note no alcohol should be consumed all day am planning to detox
On the guidance of the plan the day went something like this.
11am- 12.30 - blog finished, started watching "troy"
12.30 - went for lunch, got bread and milk, and mushrooms, however instead of making healthy lunch bought egg and sausage sandwich.
1pm went over to Sion's played God of War and Pro Evo 4.
4pm Hungry again went for pub lunch, drunk beer.
5pm Picked up a bottle of JD and some coke went back over Sion's for more PS2ing
Sometime later - wander home smashed, finish watching "troy" and fall in to bed.
Obviously all of my objectives were met for the day.

Saturday was however an awesome day and i could'nt picture it have being any better. It was one of Sions old uni friends Will's birthday so we were invited out for lunch and a few drinks in London. Now i was initially doubtful about going seeing as i can't stand London, anyway i decided at the last minute that i would go.So after leaving at about 10ish we arrived in at 11.30 and went to meet Will and other people at the Natural History Museum. Unfortunatly there was a queue to go round the dinosaur bit (the best part) so we made do with all the stuffed animals. Then we went off to the resturant in Leicester Square, I can't remeber the name but it was an indian, we had a few beers and more people turned up including Jane (Sion's Girlfriend). The meal was pretty disappointing but a peshwari naan made upfor it.
We then wandered down charing cross road in search of a pub that could hold our party of 16, i learnt some home truth about one of Sions exgirlfriends and we all laughed about how bald he's going.
Anyway after a brief stop for a 1664 blanc we ended up in the bricklayer arms our destination pub , although our party basicly filled the small room. Several alpine ales later and pretty drunk we decide (those of us that are left ) to go find another pub , somehow we end back up in leicester square by which time we're hungry, fortunatly we're close to chinatown which is absolutely buzzing, why its chinese new year, so we felt we'd honour it by having a takeaway. Then the group disbands leaving me, Sion, Jane and Harv. So after a starbucks we start to head back to waterloo station deiciding to walk. After a short detour at Trafalger square to indulge in some lion riding we wander across the Thames and make Harv chase quality street while also feeding some to the whales. Finally we're back in Waterloo and catch a train straight away. With the final act of the day to loudly embarass Harv as we knew he was looking at a girl in a short denim skirts legs.
So probably the best time i've ever spent in London, though it won't change my opinion of it.
2 Rant free days and 2 music free days.


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